Donnerstag, 29. September 2011

Club Nihil / MDMA music Newsletter 10/11

01: 4th anniversary of "Positive (F)or Mood?" by Tento 11:

In 2007 I was feeling very miserable. I recorded an album that did not really reflect that state. Many drugs were included in the making of this record.
After the recordings I ended up in a hospital in early 2008.
2nd Album by MDMA's sideproject Tento 11.

I see similarity to "Fucking With Karma", released just one month ago:

02: The Human Nihil-Song "Daily Soap Brainwash" from 2010's released Album "Death from your TV-Screen" (Back then as "Club Nihil") will be re-released on the 3rd of October 2011
on the fourth part of the legendary sampler "Minimal Baby" on Skullline Records:

No, no news about "Temples of Nothing" , yet...
Until next month's newsletter, guys!

Sincerely yours, ...


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